Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday Thoughts

It was kind of a sucky work out today. I only ran 3/4 of a mile, but I walked 1.25. I guess that's what I get when I make BLTs for dinner. Bacon and mayo don't make for a good work out.

I think I could do better if I could do my workouts earlier in the day instead of after dinner. I seem to have the most energy in the afternoon, like around 3:00 or so. Maybe I will try leaving work early a few days a week so I can run earlier. On Wednesdays I have to go to squadron PT at 0700, and my friend Felicia and I try to meet at the gym at 0700 on Fridays.

How are you doing with your goals, LD? We haven't talked in a few days, so I am curious. I think I am doing OK with my fitness goals, but I need to work on my food issues. I did drink a lot of water today, but I also had a coke with dinner (bad) and dinner itself (BLT on wheat w/baked Lays chips) was not too good health wise. For lunch I had a sub though, and it was pretty healthy. The coke I had with it was not. I also need to do better with eating breakfast. I did have a granola bar for breakfast today, and another at around 2:00pm. And I drank water at my desk all day.

I pulled out my yoga music CDs last night, and after doing a bit of stretching, I listened to them as I went to sleep. It was very relaxing, so I think I will do that again tonight.

I hope I can catch you online tomorrow so we can chat. I hate not talking for a few days, I really miss you. Have a great Friday!

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