Sunday, February 24, 2008

One Day at a Time

Today was an alright day fitness-wise. It started off lousy because I had peanut butter on wheat for breakfast, then a happy meal for lunch. So boo for the food!

But I did get in a jog around the neighborhood today with the kids and the dog. It got up to around 30 degrees and it felt pretty good for a change. I think the dog enjoyed it more than the kids, but at least it got them outside. And it felt great to run outside for once! Even if it was only a half a mile or so.

I got the body-ball Sis suggested, and I did the workout DVD that came with it. I think the whole balance thing is going to take some getting used to, and I think I maybe should have gotten a smaller ball because it seemed so big! But I think I'll love it once I get used to it.

I also did some yoga stretching after that.

Oh, and Reluctant Runner, the yoga DVD I have is called Essential Yoga, and I also have a few from Denise Austin. I pretty much love anything Denise Austin does; have aerobics, strength training, and all kinds of DVDs from her! Also, if you have DVR or TiVo, Namaste Yoga, on Fit TV is awesome, and I absolutely love it. It comes on at weird times for us working girls though, so I have to record it. Also, there is a very cool website called Yoga Today, that gives you a new one hour yoga workout each and every day! All you have to do is go to the website and hit play.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. If it's still nice, I'm taking the teenager and getting on the road around the neighborhood again. And this time I'll leave the other 2 at home. They get tired too fast! If the weather stinks, and it usually does, I'll hit the gym or the treadmill. And for the record, walking for 4 hours at work and working up a sweat absolutely counts! Serving is hard work, I don't care who ya are! Keep smiling girlie, I love you!

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