Tuesday, March 25, 2008

OMG! What Did I Do?

I'll tell ya what I did. I let my good friend Jacob talk me into running a leg in a Relay MARATHON. In April. A 5 miles leg! What was I thinking!

OK, what I was thinking was that if I was training for a relay marathon, I would definitely be ready for my PT test, and the 5K in May. And maybe I would lose a little weight. And I'd get to be in a marathon, and how cool is that?

So Jacob and I are going to try to run in the mornings before work. Great plan, except he is a newlywed, and I am lazy. So we'll see how that goes. I would live to do this and be OK at it. I already know that all of the other runners are better than I am, and faster, and I hate to be the weak link of the group. But I am going to try to just not embarrass myself.

Also, the Walking the World with Tigerlilly is starting off pretty good. I walked/jogged 6 miles yesterday on the treadmill, and I plan to walk/jog another 6 tonight during Biggest Loser. My legs are sore, but it's the good kind of sore, where you know you did good.

The weather here is getting better, so I foresee getting some good outdoor runs very soon. Hopefully it will be nice for the relay. Last year when I ran the 5K it was cold, like 40 degrees, but no wind. It would be nice if it was like 50 or so. Not too hot, but not cold.

So how are you doing LD? I haven't been able to get you online for awhile, and I miss you!Let me know how you are!

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