Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sad, Sad Week

It was over 50 degrees today! And I tried to go for a run, really I did. And I am so disappointed in myself, because I didn't even make it a mile, before I was out of breath and completely exhausted. Yea, I think I was about .10 short.

I know what happened though. I was cold, and was completely breathing all wrong. I just could not get a handle on it, and I kept gasping for breath. I was running with teenager, and I think he was disappointed and wanted to run longer. But this old lady just had to stop. Why is it I can run for so much longer on a treadmill? I thought the fresh air would invigorate me and give me energy. Instead I felt like I tanked halfway through.

Tomorrow is another day. My PT test is coming up in April, and I will be running on an indoor track, so maybe I'll just concentrate on that, and getting good on that track. I ran Friday morning on the track, about a half a mile or so, I wasn't really keeping track of the laps. So all together, that makes a grand total of 1.5 miles this week. SUCKY!

Honestly this funk I'm in is starting to lift, and I am feeling a little better, so I hope to be back to normal this week. Sorry for the lack of posts this week. And sorry I have been so unavailable online. I miss you, LD, and I hope you are doing well. Talk to you soon!

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